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Computer Science and Technology

  • Name:Bo YANG
    Professional Title:Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School ofComputer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Demonstration expert of major scientific and technological projects in Shaanxi Province,Evaluation expert of science and technology projects of the Ministry of Education,Session Chair,IEEE VTC-Fall'18,EAI IoTaas'20,IEEE VTC-Fall'18 、EAI IoTaas'20分会主席(Session Chair),OTPC member of IEEE GlobeCom'23,IEEE ICC'23,IEEE WCNC'23,IEEE WCSP'21,IEEE APWCS'21,and EAI IoTaas'21,OAsociate Edior for SN Computer Science,Guest ediorfor MDPIApplied Science,and MDPI Signals,Research Interests:Ubiquitous swarn intelligence networks,wireless sensing,resource allocation, cloud-edge computing
    Research Interests:
    Courses: Wireless Sensor Networks,Ptinciple of Computer Network Experiment
    General Introduction:Bo Yang is a professor and doctoral director,IEEE/CCF/AAIA Member.He was a postdoctoral fellow in the U.S.and Singapore,during which he participated in a number of international research projects and was nominated for PVAMU Excellencent Academic Research Award.He has published more than 50 academic papers with 1100+citations from Google scholar.He hold 11 domestic and international authorised technology patents,1 IEEE 802.11 international standard proposal,and he received the best paper award by CCF TCloT 2023.
  • Name:Bin GUO
    Professional Title:Vice Dean ofthe School of Computer Science,Professor and Doctoral Supervisor ofSchool of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Deputy director of the Intelligent Sensing and Computing Lab.of the Ministry ofIndustry and Information Technologyof China,Founding director of the AI&Art Research Center of NPU,Secretary General ofthe Belt and Road AloT International Cooperative Alliance (BRAVE)
    Research Interests:Ubiquitous Computing,Crowd Intelligence,Mobile Crowd Sensing
    Courses: Computational Social Science,Mobile Computing 、HCl and Pervasive Computing
    General Introduction:Dr.Bin Guo serves as an editorial board member or guest editor of IEEE Comm.Mag,IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine-Systems,IEEE IT Professional,IEEE Internet of Things and other international authoritative journals.He initiated the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Systems and served as the chairman of the program committee of several international conferences.He has published more than 150 papers in important journals and international conferences at home and abroad,such as ACM Computing Surveys,IEEE TMC,etc.
    Selected publications:
    he Future of False Information Detection on Social Media:New Perspectives and Trends,ACM Computering Surveys,2020,Volume:53,P1-36.
    Enabling Resource Eficient AloT System With Cross-Level Optimization:A Survey,IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2024,Volume:26,P389-427.
    Deep Learning for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition:Overview,Challenges,and Opportunities,ACM Computing Surveys,2021,Volume:54,P1-40.
    Hierarchical Constrained Variational Autoencoder for interaction-sparse recommendations,Information Processing and Management,2024.
    Learning Cross Modality Interaction for Robust Depth Perception of Autonomous Driving,ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology,2024.
  • Name:Yong XIA
    Professional Title:Vice Dean ofthe School of Computer Science,Professorand Doctoral Supervisor of School of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Councilmember of CSS,Member of the Standing Committee of the Digital Medicine Branch ofCCF,Standing Committee of Visual Big Data Specialised Committee ofCSIG,Deputy head of the Artificial Inteligence Group of the Tumor Imaging Professional Committee ofCACA,Director of the Artificial Intelligence Committee ofShaanxi Computer Federation
    Research Interests:Medical image analysis,computer-aided diagnosis,image processing,multimedia Courses:Digital Image Processing (E),Artificial Neural Network and Its Application,Deep learning in computer vision
    General Introduction:Dr Xia Yong is a professor and doctoral supervisor.He was a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Computing,University of Sydney,and is currently a member of the National Engineering Laboratory of Air,Space,Land and Sea Integrated Big Data Application Technology.In the past five years,he has published more than 60 papers in top journals and conferences.He has served as Session Chair or Area Chair ofISBI2017,MICCAI2019,MICCAI 2020,ICASSP 2023 and other international conferences.
    Selected publications:
    Dynamic feature splicing for few-shot rare disease diagnosis,Medical Image Analysis, 2023, Volume:90,P102959.1-102959.6
    Survival Prediction via Hierarchical Multimodal Co-Attention Transformer:A Computational Histology-Radiology Solution,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2023,Volume:42,P2678- 2689.
    Development and Validation of a Machine Learning Model for Detection and Classification of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Gastrointestinal Cancers,JAMA Network Open,2023, Volume:6,2252553.
  • Name:Xuequn SHANG
    Professional Title:Dean of the School ofComputer Science,Profesor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of ComputerSdence,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Director of China Artificial Intelligence Education Association,Memberof the Database Committee of China Computer Federation,Member of CCF TaskForce on Bioinformatics,Member of ACM SIGBIO China Committee,Member of the Steering Committee for the Construction of Data Science and Big Data Technology Professional Textbooks of the National University Big Data Education Alliance,Vice Chairman of Shaanxi Computer Education Society
    Research Interests:Data Mining,Machine Learning,Bioinformatis,Big Data in Education,Big Data in Finance Courses:Data Mining Techniques
    General Introduction:Dr.Xuequn Shang is a Professor and doctoral supervisor.She obtained doctorate from Germany and has conducted research and academic exchanges at prestigious universities such as Yale University and UCLA. She has published over 200 papers in renowned academic journals and conferences both domestically and internationally.She has held positions as branch chairman and program committee member for various international academic conferences while also leading several national scientific research projects.
    Selected publications:
    SVcnn:an accurate deep learning-based method for detecting structural variation based on long read data,BMC Bioinformatics,2023,Volume:24,P213.
    Answering knowledge-based visual questions via the exploration of Question Purpose,Pattern Recognition:The Journal ofthe Pattern Recognition Society,2023,Volume:223,P109015-109026.
    A deep cross modal neural cognitive diagnosis framework for modeling student performance,Expert Systems with Applications:An International Journal,2023,Volume:230,P120675.1-120675.16
    A deep grouping fusion neural network for multimedia content understanding,IET image processing, 2022,Volume:16,P2398-2411
  • Name:Xiao ZHANG
    Professional Title:Professor and DoctoralSupervisor ofSchool of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Standing committee member of CCF Task Force on Information Storage Technology Member of CCF Task Force on System Software,Research Interests:Big Data Sorage System,Cloud computing,System perfornance optinization, Distributed system
    Research Interests:
    Courses: Network storage system
    General Introduction:Dr.Xiao Zhang is a Professor and doctoral supervisor.He obtained doctorate from Northwestern Polytechnical University.He has published over 100 papers in renowned academic jounals and conferences.He has leaded several national scientific research projects and projects from Huawei and other companies.Selected Publications list on Google Scholar: http://scholar google.com/citations?user-6mNbHfUAAAAJ Selected Publications
    Selected publications:
    MyWAL:performance optimization by removing redundant input/output stack in key value store,Frontiers of Information Technology &Electronic Engineering,2023,24(7):980-993
    Sg:Automated tuning algorithm for storage systems based on simulated environments and group climbing,Cluster Computing,2023,27(2)
    Quantification and analysis of performance fuctuation in distributed file system,Cluster Computing ,2023,27(2)
    DCache:A Distributed Cache Mechanism for HDFS based on RDMA,2020 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,Fjj
    Optimization of RDMA-Based HDFS Data Distribution Mechanism ,2020IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing
  • Name:Yu ZHANG
    Professional Title:ervisor of SchoolofComputerScience,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Senior Member of IEEE&ACM SIGMOBILE,Senior Member of the System Software Committee of China Computer Federation,Senior Member of the Human-Machine Hybrid Intelligence Committee of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence,Senior Member of the Wearable Sensing Committee ofChinese Society of Biomedical Engineering,Chairman of the Core Courses Teaching Cases Track of the Sixth Chinese,Open Source Soffware Innovation Competition,Chairman ofthe 17th Chinese Universities Operating Systems Teaching Forum,Director of Shaanxi Computer Education Society,Research Interests:Ubiquitous Operating Systems,Embedded Al,Wearable Health.
    Research Interests:
    Courses: Advanced Operating System,Wireless Communication &Mobile Computing
    General Introduction:Dr.Yu Zhang is a Professor and doctoral supervisor.She obtained doctorate from Australia and has conducted research and academic exchanges at prestigious universities such as Melbourne University and RMIT University.He has published more than 70 research articles in refereed journals and conference proceedings such as IEEE Transactions on Computers,ACM/IEEE TON, IEEE TPDS,IEEE TMC,ACM IMWUT,and ICC,INFOCOM,MobiCom,SenSys,UbiComp. He serves on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,Pervasive and Mobile Computing Springer Soft Computing and EURASIPJWCN.
    Selected publications:
       A high altitude respiration and SpO2 dataset for assessing the human response to hypoxia,Scientific data,2024,Volume:11,P248.
       Workload-Aware GPU Performance Model Based Pseudo-Preemptive Real-Time Scheduling for the Airborne Embedded System,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,2022,Volume: 33,P2767-2780.
       Enabling Out-of Band Coordination of Wi-Fi Communications on Smartphones, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,2019,Volume:27,P518-531.
       An Analytical Model for Coding-Based Reprogramming Protocols in Lossy Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Computers,2017,Volume:66,P24-37.
       Fin DroidHR:Smartwatch Gesture Input with Optical Heartrate Monitor,Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive,Mobile,Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies,2018,Volume:2,P¹-42.
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