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Computer Science and Technology

  • Name:Hengfei CUI
    Professional Title:Associate Professor and Master Supervisor of the School of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Deputy Secretary General of the Artificial Intelligence Committee of the Computer Federation of Shaanxi Province,Organization Chairman of the 8th Medical Imaging Computing Seminar (MICS2021),Member of the China Computer Federation(CCF),Member of the China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG)
    Research Interests:Medical imaging computing,Heart image segmentation,Early screening of coronary heart diseases,Computer-aided diagnosis
    Courses: Artificial Neural Network and Its Application
    General Introduction:Dr.Hengfei Cui is an Associate Professor and Master Supervisor.He obtained the Bachelor and PhD degree in Mathematics from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.His current research includes medical image processing,deep learning and computer vision.He has involved with more than 10 medical imaging projects,with 2 of them under the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)support.He has published more than 30 high-level research papers, such as IEEE-TMI,IEEE JBHI,KBS and MICCAI.
    Selected publications:
    An Improved Combination of Faster R-CNN and U-Net Network for Accurate Multi-Modality Whole Heart Segmentation,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2023,Volume 27,P3408-3419.
    Deep U-Net architecture with curriculum learning for myocardial pathology segmentation in multi- sequence cardiac magnetic resonance images,Knowledge based systems,2022,Volume 249,108942.
    Improving myocardial pathology segmentation with U-Nett+and EfficientSeg from multi-sequence cardiac magnetic resonance images,Computers in biology and medicine,2022,Volume 151,106218.
    Bidirectional cross-modality unsupervised domain adaptation using generative adversarial networks for cardiac image segmentation,Computers in biology and medicine,2021,Volume 136,104726.
    Multiscale attention guided U-Net architecture for cardiac segmentation in shortaxis MRI images, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2021,Volume 206,106142.
  • Name:Geng CHEN
    Professional Title:Professor and Master Supervisor of the School of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University
    Research Interests:Medical image analysis,artificial intelligence,and neuroscience
    Courses: Artificial Neural Network and Its Application
    General Introduction:Dr.Geng Chen is a Professor of the School of Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University,China.He received his Ph.D.from Northwestern Polytechnical University,China,in 2016.He was a Research Scientist at the Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence,UAE,from 2019 to 2021,and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,USA,from 2016 to 2019.He has published over 100 papers in high-impact international conference proceedings and journals,such as IEEE-TMI,Medical Image Analysis, MICCAI,IPMI,etc.
    Selected publications:
    Automatic detection of tooth-gingiva trin lines on Dental Surfaces,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging2023,Volume 42,P 3194-3204
    Deep leaming prediction of diffusion MRI data with microstructure-sensitive loss functions,Medical image analysis,2023,Volume 85,P102742-102769.
    Fusion-embedding siamese network for light field salient object detection,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2023,Volume 26,P984-994
    Automatic Schelling points detection from meshes,IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,2022,Volume29,P2926-2939.
    Camouflaged Object Detection via Context-Aware Cross-Level Fusion,in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2022,Volume 32,P6981-6993.
  • Name:Yongsheng PAN
    Professional Title:Professor of Schoolof Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Member of China Computer Federation(CCF)and China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG) ,Member of Medical Imaging Computing Seminar(MICS)Committee
    Research Interests:Machine Learning,Medical Imaging,Image Generation
    Courses: Artificial Neural Network and Its Application
    General Introduction:Dr.Yongsheng Pan received his undergraduate and doctoral degrees in computer science and technology from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU)in 2015 and 2021 respectively and worked as a visit student in IDEA Lab of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from Oct.2017-Jan.2020.He joined ShanghaiTech University as a post-doctor from 2021-2023.In 2023,he returned to School of Computer Science,NWPU,focusing on cross-modal medical image synthesis,disease diagnosis and brain science related research work.
    Selected publications:
    Disease-image-specific learning for diagnosis-oriented neuroimage synthesis with incomplete multi-modality data,IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence,2021,Volume 44, P6839-6853.
    Spatially-constrained fisher representation for brain disease identification with incomplete multi-modal neuroimages,IEEE transactions on medical imaging,Volume 39,P2965-2975.
    DDR-netdual path dynamic refinement network for joint optic disc and cup segmentation
    Foreground fisher vector:Encoding class relevant foreground to improve image classification,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Volume 28,P4716-4729.
  • Name:Ying LI
    Professional Title:Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Vice Chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory for Speech and Image Information Processing(SAIIP),Director and Deputy director of Image Analysis Branch of Chinese Association of Stereology ,Executive Director and Secretary General of Shaanxi Signal Processing Society,Member of Remote sensing Image Professional Committee of Chinese Society ofImage and Graphics ,Member of Shaanxi Province Artificial Inteligence and pattern recognition Profesional Committee
    Research Interests:Remote sensing image procssing data mining,intelligent information processing
    Courses: Deep Neural Network
    General Introduction:Dr.Ying Li is a professor and doctoral supervisor.She received her doctorate degree in Circuits and Systems from the National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing,Xidian University. She is the author or co-author of one book and over 170 scientific papers in refereed journals and proceedings such as IJCV,TNNLS,PR,TRGS,CVPR,ICCV,AAAI.She has obtained more than 70 invention patents.
    Selected publications:
    Hsrdiff hyperspectral image super resolution via conditional diffusion models,In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision,2023,P7083-7093.
    Any size diffusion:Toward eficient text-diven synthesis for anysize hd images,ar*v preprint ar**v:2308.16582,2023.
    Memory-efficient hierarchical neural architecture search for image restoration,International Journal of Computer Vision,2022,P1-22.
    Semantic-aware real-time correlation tracking framework for UAV videos,IEEE transactions on cybernetics,2020,Volume 52,P2418-2429.
    DecomVQANet Decomposing visual question answering deep network via tensor decomposition and regression,Pattern Recognition,2021,Volume 110,P107538.
  • Name:Xingyi LI
    Professional Title:Assciate Professor andGraduate Supervisor of Sthool ofComputer Science,Nothwestem Polhtechnical University,Member of the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Committee ofthe Chinese Society of Biotechnology,Program Committee Member of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine,Program Committee Member ofthe International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications ,Program Committee Member ofthe Asia Paaific Bioinformatics Conference
    Research Interests:Bioinformatics Data Mining Machine Learning
    General Introduction:Dr.Xingyi li is an associate professor and graduate supervisor.She obtained doctorate from Central South University and has conducted research and academic exchanges at University of Wisconsin-Madison.She has published over 10 papers as the first or corresponding author in the field of bioinformatics,and has led multiple projects,such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
    Selected publications:
    SEPA:signaling entropy-based algorithm to evaluate personalized pathway activation for survival analysis on parr-cancer data ,Bioinformatics,2022,Volume 38,P2536-2543.
    Network-based methods for predicting esential genes or proteins:a survey,Briefings in bioinformatics, 2020,Volume 21,P⁵66-583.
    A dual ranking algorithm based on the multiplex network for heterogeneous complex disease analysis, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,2021,Volume 19,P1993-2002.
    Fusion,network-based mehod to identify Prognostic and heterogeneous breast cancer biomarkers.IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics,2020,Volume 18, P2483-2491
    NetAUCA network-based multi-biomarker identification method by AUC optimization,Methods,2022,Volume 198,P56-54.
  • Name:Xiaolin HAN
    Professional Title:Associate Profesor and Master Supervisor of School of Computer Science, Northwestem Polytechnical University,Research Interests:Data Mining,Machine Leaming,Big Data in Finance
    Research Interests:
    Courses: Data Mining Techniques
    General Introduction:Xiaolin Han received her Ph.D.degree from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong(HKU)in January of 2022,and received M.Eng.degree from Waseda University,and B.Eng degree from Sichuan University,respectively.Till now,Xiaolin Han has published 10 papers in the areas of data mining and database,and most of them were published in top-tier conferences and journals(eg.,PVLDB,ICDE,and SIGMOD).
    Selected publications:
    DeepTEA:effective and efficient online time-dependent trajectory outlier detection.Proceedings ofthe VLDB Endowment,2022,Volume 15,P1493-1505
    Leveraging Contextual Graphs for Stochastic Weight Completion in Sparse Road Networks,Proceedings of the 2022 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM),2022,P64-72.
    A Framework for Differentially-Private Knowledge Graph Embeddings.Journal of Web Semantics,Journal of Web Semantics,2022,Volume 72,P100696
    Traffc incident detection:A trajectory-based approach,In 2020 IEEE 36th international conference on data engineering(ICDE),2020,P1866-1869.
    Accelerating directed densest subgraph queries with sofware and hardware approaches,The VLDB Journal,2023,Volume 33,P207-230.
  • Name:Zhaowen LIU
    Professional Title:Professor of Schoolof Computer Science,Northwestem Polytechnical University
    Research Interests:Data Mining,Machine Learning,Bioinformatics,Big Data in Brian Science Courses:Data Analysis and Mining
    General Introduction:Dr.Zhaowen Liu is a Professor of School of Computer Science.She received her PhD in computer science from Xidian University with research topic on omics data analysis in cancers.In addition,she reccived her co supervised PhD training at Fudan University worked on imaging genetics.She finished her Postdoc training at MGH,Harvard Medical School.Her research interests focus on developing and applying algorithms integrating omics data,EHRs and multimodal brain imaging data to explore the genetic and neural correlates of psychiatric disorders.
    Selected publications:
    Resolving heterogeneity in schizophrenia through a novel systems approach to brain structure: individualized structural covariance network analysis,Molecular Psychiatry,2021,Volume:26, P7719-7731.
    Neural,electrophysiological and anatomical basis of brain-network variability and its characteristic changes in mental disorders Brain,August 2016,Volume 139,P2307-2321.
    Multivariate genomic architecture of cortical thickness and surface area at multiple levels of analysis,Nature Communications,2023,volume 14,P946-960
    Neural and genetic determinants ofcreativity,Neuroimage,2018,volume174,P164-176.
    Brain annotation toolbox:exploring the fiunctional and genetic associations of neuroimaging results.Bioinformatics,2019,volume 35,P3771-3778.
  • Name:Jihe WANG
    Professional Title:
    Research Interests:High performance Al system,intelligent information fusion for UAV,NVM system design and optimization,Energy eficient computing of edge-cloud systems,Distributed deep learning algorithms.
    Courses: Embedded Processor Design,Streaming Computation
    General Introduction:Dr.Jihe Wang is an associate professor and doctoral supervisor.He obtained doctorate from Sichuan University and was a postdoc at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a visiting scholar at UIUC.He has published over 40 papers in renowned academic conferences and journals,including DAC,IEEE Transaction on Computers.He hosted and managed many academic conferences with high intemationalimpact,such as ICDM,CSCloud.
    Selected publications:
    “PseudoSC:A Binary Approximation to Stochastic Computing within Latent Operation-Space for Ultra-Lightweight on-Edge DNNs,"202360th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference(DAC'23),2023,San Francisco,USA.
    “A Noise-Driven Heterogeneous Stochastic Computing Multiplier for Heuristic Precision Improvement in Energy Efficient DNNs,"in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems(TCAD),vol.42,no.2,Pp.630-643,Feb.2023
    “MemUnison:A Racetrack-ReRAM-combined Pipeline Architecture for Energy-Efficient in-Memory CNNs,"in IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC),vol.71,no.12,pp.3281- 3294,1 Dec.2022.
    “An Automatic-Addressing Architecture With Fully Serialized Access in Racetrack Memory for Energy-Efficient CNNs,"in IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC),vol.71, no.1,pp.235-250,1 Jan.2022,doi:10.1109/TC.2020.3045433.
    “A Linear NAS Service of ConvNets for Fast Deployment in the Edge of 5GNetworks,”in IEEE Network,vol.35,no.2,pp.46-52,March/April 2021.
  • Name:Danghui WANG
    Professional Title:Associate Professor of School of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University
    Research Interests:Computer Architecture,Domain Specific Architecture,Emerging Memory System,Embedded System.Courses:Embedded Processor Design,Computer Organization and Architecture
    General Introduction:Dr.Danghui Wang is an associate professor and master supervisor.He obtained his Ph.D./M.S./B.S. degree in Computer Application/Computer Architecture/Computer Software from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2005/2000/1997 respectively.He has published over 80 papers in renowned academicjournals and conferences both domestically and internationally.
    Selected publications:
    PseudoSC:A Binary Approximation to Stochastic Computing within Latent Operation-Space for Ultra-Lightweight on-Edge DNNs,202360th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC),2023.
    A Noise-Driven Heterogeneous Stochastic Computing Multiplier for Heuristic Precision Improvement in Energy-Eficient DNNs,IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,2023,Volume:42,P630-643.
    MemUnison:A Racetrack-ReRAM-Combined Pipeline Architecture for Energy-Efficient in- Memory CNNs,IEEE Transactions on Computers,2022,Volume:71,P3281-3294.
    An Automatic-Addressing Architecture With Fully Serialized Access in Racetrack Memory for Energy-Efficient CNNs,IEEE Transactions on Computers,2022,Volume:71,P235-250.
  • Name:Helei CUI
    Professional Title:Professor and Doctoral Supervisor with the School of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,National Young Talent,CCF Senior Member,Secretary of CCF Xi'an Chapter
    Research Interests:Industrial Intemet of Things,Secure Crowdsensing,Privacy-Preserving Computing ,Secure Deduplication,Decentralized &loud Storage,etc
    Courses: Object Oriented Programming(Undergraduate)
    General Introduction:Prof.Cui received the B.E.degree in Software Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University , in 2010,the M.S.degree in Information Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013,and the Ph.D.degree in Computer Science from the City University of Hong Kong,in 2018.His research interests indude Industrial Internet of Things,Privacy- Preserving Computing Secure Deduplication,Decentralized Cloud Storage,etc.He has published over 40 research papers and got the Best Paper Award of IEEE ICPADS 2018.
    Selected publications:
    Decentralized and secure deduplication with dynamic ownership in MLaaS,Jourmal of Information Security and Applications,2023,Volume:76 ,103524
    SafeCity:A Heterogeneous Mobile Crowd Sensing System for Urban Public Safety,IEEE Internet of Things Jourmal,2023,Volume:10,P18330-18345.
    Quantifying predictability of sequential recommendation via logical constraints,Frontiers of Computer Science,2023,Volume:17(5),175612.
    PEBA:Enhancing User Privacy and Coverage of Safe Browsing Services,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,2023,Volume:20,P4343-4358.
    SFSN:smart frame selection network for mulitask human synthesis on mobile devices, Wireless Networks,2022.
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