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Information and Communication Engineering

  • Name:Yongsheng GAO
    Professional Title:Associate Professor
    Research Interests:Optical communications, Microwave photonics
    Courses: Photoelectric Technology, Optical communicaion
    General Introduction:Yongsheng Gao received the Ph.D. degree in 2016 from the School of Telecommunications Engineering,Xidian University, China. He has published over 80 journal and conference papers. He is the Member of IEEE, SPIE, OSA, and serves as a Guest Editor of Photonics and the reviewer of more than 20 international research journals.
    Selected publications:
    Wideband anti-interference microwave photonic measurement for doppler frequency shift and angle of arrival, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024, Volume 73.
    Reconfigurable microwave photonic mixer for hybrid macro-micro cellular systems, Optics Express, 2023, Volume 31, P5314-5333.
    Simultaneously photonic frequency downconversion, multichannel phase shifting, and IQ demodulation for wideband microwave signals,Optics Letters, 2016, Volume 41, P 4484-4487.
  • Name:Mingliang TAO
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:remote sensing, synthetic aperture radar, image processing, radio frequency interference, frequency management
    Courses: Principle of Radar System, Remote Sensing
    General Introduction:Mingliang Tao received a Ph.D. degree in signal processing from Xidian University, China in 2016 and was a recipient of the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award by Shaanxi Province of China in 2019. Dr. Tao was granted the Young Scientist Award by the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) in 2017 and 2020. He authored over 50 papers in leading journals and flagship conferences. He is an IEEE Senior Member, and URSI Senior Member, and serves as the Co-chair of the IEEE GRSS Frequency Allocations in Remote Sensing(FARS) Technical Committee.
    Selected publications:
    Radio frequency interference signature detection in radar remote sensing image using semantic cognition enhancement network, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2018, Volume 60, P 1-14.
    Extraction and mitigation of radio frequency interference artifacts based on time-series Sentinel-1 SAR data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2021, Volume 60, P 1-11.
    A radio signal recognition approach based on complex-valued cnn and self-attention mechanism, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2022,Volume 8, P 1358-1373.
    Multifractal correlation analysis of autoregressive spectrum-based feature learning for target detection within seaclutter, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2021, Volume 60, P1-11.
    Characterization and Removal of RFI Artifacts in Radar Data via ModelConstrained Deep Leaming Approach, Remote Sensing, 2022, Volume 14, P 1578.
  • Name: Xunying ZHANG
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Highly reliable embedded system architecture,General processor and intelligent processor microarchitecture、Radiation hardened by design technique、Failure modelling and mechanism analysis of VLSI systems
    Courses: Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits
    General Introduction:
    Professor, doctoral supervisor, national level leading talents, currently serving as the Dean of the School of Electronics and Information at Northwestern Polytechnical University. Also serving as the academic leader of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, member of the technical committees of multiple societies and key laboratories.
    Achievements: He has won the first prize for provincial and ministerial level technological invention and the first prize for provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress. He has authored or coauthored more than 50 publications, including more than 20 patents, and more than 30 articles in scientific joumals.
    Selected publications:
    FPGA-based genetic algorithm kernel design. In?, editor, Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, volume 4684 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, Volume 4684, P 426-432.
    Integrated iss and fpga soc hw/sw co-verification environment design, In 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2008, P1071-1075.
    A fault-tolerant SDRAM controller based on a dynamically reconfgurable shift register chain, In 2014 IFEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing,2014, P551-555).
    A GA Based Flexible ANNArchitecture DesignMethod, International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications.
    Research and implementation of SEC-DED Hamming code algorithm, In 2013 IEEE International Conference of IEEE Region 10,2013,P1-5.
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