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Materials Science and Engineering

  • Name:Qinghua ZHAO
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Crystals, semiconductors, Optoelectronic devices
    Courses: Principles and Applications of 0ptoelectronics
    General Introduction:QinghuaZHAO, a professor and doctoral supervisor at Northwestern Polytechnical University. He earned his Ph.D. at the Autonomous University of Madrid and completed his postdoctoral research at the Madrid Institute for Materials Science. His main research focus is on "semiconductor materials and their optoelectronic devices." Over the past five years, he has published more than 20 research papers and filed 11 patents for inventions/utility models, of which 8 have been granted.
    Selected publications:
    InSe schottky diodes based on van der Waals contacts, Advanced Functional Materials,2020,Volume:30,P2001307.
    The role of traps in the photocurrent generation mechanism in thin InSe photodetectors, Materials Horizons,2020,Volume:7,P252-262.
    Multifunctional indium selenide devices based on van der Waals contacts:High-quality Schottky diodes and optoelectronic memories,Nano Energy,2023,Volume:108,108238.
  • Name:Wenchao YANG
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Surperalloy, Al/Mg alloy, Solidification, Mechanical property
    Courses: Superalloys
    General Introduction:Pro. Wenchao Yang is currently a Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University in China. After receiving the PhD in material science, he started his academic career at Brunel University London from 2011 to 2015. Now, he has published more than 100 papers with a total citation of 2291, and is the editorial member of three scientific journals.
    Selected publications:
    Creep anisotropy dominated by orientation rotation in Ni-based single crystal superalloys at750 ℃/750 MPa. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, Volume: 186, P91-103.
    New insights into the microstructural stability based on the element segregation behavior at Y/ Y'interface in Ni-based single crystal superalloys with Ru addition. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, Volume: 154, P232-240.
    Orientation control of multiple single crystal blades using a novel high-throughput mold via seeding grain selection technique. Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024, Volume: 29, P4845-4853.
  • Name:Zhe LIU
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:
    Solar Energy Materials and Devices
    AI-Assisted Materials Design
    Computational Materials Modelling
    Data-Driven Materials Design and Optimization
    General Introduction:Ph.D.degree inE.E. from NUS, Singapore in 2016; Postdoc at MIT, USA during 2017-2020; Research Scientist at SMART, Singapore in 2020; Professor inMSE atNPU,China, leading the effort of materials AI with a focus on emerging PV materials Published more than 50 papers, and served as an editor for IEEEJ Photovoltaics
    Selected publications:
    Machine-Leaming-Assisted Screening of Interface Passivation Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Energy Letters, 2023, Volume:8, P1424-1433.
    Machine learning with knowledge constraints for process optimization of open-air perovskite solar cell manufacturing. Joule, 2022, Volume:6, P834-849.
    Opportunities for machine learning to accelerate halide-perovskite commercialization and scale- up. Matter, 2022, Volume: 5, P1353-1366.
  • Name:LiSHANG
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Nanobiotechnology, Fluorescent Nanomaterials, Bioimaging, Nanomedicine Courses:Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Modern Spectral Analysis
    Courses: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Modern Spectral Analysis
    General Introduction:Li Shang received his Ph.D.from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. Then, he moved to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany as a Postdotor. In 2016, he became a Professor in Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, and was appointed as the Visiting Professor of Queen-Mary University of London (UK) in 2017. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers (H-index:50).
    Selected publications:
    Ligand-Protected Nanocluster-Mediated Photoswitchable Fluorescent Nanoprobes towards Dual-Color Cellular Imaging, Chemical Science, 2023, Volume:14, P8823-8830.
    Activating a Semiconductor-Liquid Junction via Laser-Derived Dual Interfacial Layers for Boosted Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,Advanced Materials,2022,Volume:34,P19.
    Embedding laser generated nanocrystals in BiVO4 photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting,Nature Communications,2019,Volume:10,P2609.
  • Name:Jun WANG
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Solidification, materials processing under external fields
    Courses: Alloy systems and heat treatment, Titatnium alloys, Bulk metallib glasses, Materials processing under high magnetic fields
    General Introduction:Jun Wang received his BS and MS from Northwestern Polytechnical Univeristy, and PhD both from NPUand University of Grenoble, France. His research topic related as solidification of metals and alloys, materials processing under high magnetic fields. He has published more than 100 papers and applied more than 50 patents. He is the executive editor of journal of Foundry Technology. Selcecticed publications:
    Selected publications:
    Nucleation of supercooled Co melts under a high magnetic field, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019, Volume:225, P133-136. Magnetic field induced instability pattern evolution in an immiscible alloy, Appl. Phys. Lett,2023,Volume:123(25),254101. Towards high entropy alloy with enhanced strength and ductility using domain knowledge constrained active learning, Materials & Design, 2022, Volume:223, 111186.
    Activating a Semiconductor-Liquid Junction via Laser-Derived Dual Interfacial Layers for Boosted Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,Advanced Materials,2022,Volume:34,P19.
    Embedding laser generated nanocrystals in BiVO4 photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting,Nature Communications,2019,Volume:10,P2609.
  • Name:Haiyang NIU
    Professional Title: Professor
    Research Interests:Computational material design, advanced sampling method development, machine learning aided molecule simulation, water science
    Courses: Quantum mechanics, Artificial intelligence for material science, Computational Material Science
    General Introduction:Quantum mechanics, Artificial intelligence for material science, Computational Material Science General Introduction: Prof. Niu obtained his Ph.D.in 2015 from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 2013 to 2016, he worked as a visiting student and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Stony Brook University under the guidance of Prof. Artem Oganov. Following that, he served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at ETH Zurich with Prof. Michele Parrinello from 2016 to 2019. In 2019, he joined Northwestern Polytechnical University as a full professor. He has published more than 40 SCI papers in renowned journals such as PRL,Nature Comm., and PNAS, accumulating over4000citations.
    Selected publications:
    Ab into phase diagram and nucleation of gallium, Nature Communications, 2020, Volume:11(1),2654.
    Activating a Semiconductor-Liquid Junction via Laser-Derived Dual Interfacial Layers for Boosted Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,Advanced Materials,2022,Volume:34,P19.
    Embedding laser generated nanocrystals in BiVO4 photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting,Nature Communications,2019,Volume:10,P2609.
  • Name:Keyu XIE
    Professional Title: Professor
    Research Interests:Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Synthesis and design of novel materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage
    Courses: Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology
    General Introduction:Dr. Keyu Xie is currently the Full Professor in the School of MSE, NPU. He was visiting professor at Rice University and National University of Singapore.He has published over 110 refereed papers in top journals, including Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, and Advanced Materials, etc. He is currently associate editor for Energy Material.
    Selected publications:
    Effect of the supergravity on the formation and cycle life of non-aqueous lithium metal batteries, Nature Communications,2022,Volume:13(1),5.
    Activating a Semiconductor-Liquid Junction via Laser-Derived Dual Interfacial Layers for Boosted Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,Advanced Materials,2022,Volume:34,P19.
    Embedding laser generated nanocrystals in BiVO4 photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting,Nature Communications,2019,Volume:10,P2609.
  • Name:Haijun Su
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Solidification science and techonology; Superalloys; Ultra-high temperature composite ceramics Laser additive manufacturing
    Courses: Superalloys, Solidification Technology
    General Introduction:Haijun Su received his MS and PhD degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2005 and 2009. His now works at the deputy director of School of Materials Science and Engineering. His research fields are mainly focused on ultra-high temperature composite ceramics, superalloys. and advanced solidification and additive manufacturing techniques. He has undertaken or completed 30 research projects including 7 National Natural Science Foundations of China, and published more than 160 international peer-reviewed papers and applied more than 50 patents. He is the editor or editorial members of more than 7 journal
    Selected publications:
    93D Polydentate Complexing Agents for Passivating Defects and Modulating Crystallinity for High- Performance perovskite Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, Volume33, P17.
    Deep and shallow level defect passivating via fluoromethyl phosphonate for high performance air-processed perovskite solar cella, Nano Energy,2023,P118.
    Ultrahigh-Strength Porous Ceramic composites via a Simple Directional Solidification Process, Nano Letters,2022,Volume:22(6),P2398-2404.
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